DAM(n) Folders!
DAM(n) Folders! https://www.nextwaretech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015-09-1-Canto-Cumulus-Folder-Structure-Recommendations-1024x682.jpg 1024 682 Nextware Technologies Nextware Technologies https://www.nextwaretech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015-09-1-Canto-Cumulus-Folder-Structure-Recommendations-1024x682.jpgOftentimes, a better and logical folder structure for Canto Cumulus installations can really help:
- Customer, supporters and you can easily find what they/you are looking for
- Additional disk space can easily be allocated when it runs out
- Applications, OS and data are kept strictly separate
- You only pay for expensive SSD storage where you really need it
- You will be independent from version numbers
The following drive and folder structure is based on many years of experience with Canto Cumulus.
C: (OS)
Nothing related to Cumulus goes there! C: would be strictly for the operating system and non-Cumulus-related applications.
D: (CumulusApps)
- Server
- Logs >> symbolic link to E: (see “Logs/Server” below)
- Scheduler
- Logs >> symbolic link to E: (see “Logs/Scheduler” below)
- Java
- Client
- Web
- apache-tomcat-x.x.xx
- webapps
- portals
- webclient
- serverconsole
- wepapps_ori (= all unused, original webapps)
- logs >> symbolic link to E: (see “Logs/Tomcat” below)
- work >> symbolic link to E: (see “TomcatCache” below)
- webapps
- apache-tomcat-x.x.xx
- Apps
- Notepad++
- Adobe Acrobat
- …
- Batch (= batch file which restarts Cumulus services weekly, cleans up cache folders and backs up logs to F: drive)
E: (CumulusCatalogs)
Ideally, this should be an SSD drive for the best possible catalog I/O.
- Catalogs
- Catalog1.ccf
- Catalog2.ccf
- …
- System
- Vocabulary.ccf
- Users.ccf
- Statistics.ccf
F: (CumulusData)
Here’s where you want to factor in most storage (= as much as you need + 50%).
- Logs
- Tomcat
- Scheduler
- Server
- Vault
- Catalog 1
- Catalog 2
- …
- Assets
- Share 1
- Share 2
- …
- Backups
- Catalogs
- 01-mon
- …
- 07-sun
- 08-monthly
- Preferences
- Logs
- Scheduler
- YY
- MM
- MM
- YY
- Server
- YY
- MM
- MM
- YY
- Tomcat
- YY
- MM
- MM
- YY
- Scheduler
- Catalogs
- Installers
- 10.0.0
- Patches
- Server
- Client
- Mac
- Win
- 10.0.1 …
- Other
- 10.0.0